Friday, July 29, 2005

How Safe We Are In Our Own Country?

How safe we are at our own country?

One thing I have realized in USA is that, here there is value to lives. Life is the first preference given here. All the rules and regulations are being made by keeping that in mind. But same thing is not in India. How safe we are at our own land? If you are lucky and not getting killed by the terrorist then you might get killed by the rain , drought, or tsunami. Recently in Hyderabad a lady was killed because of an open manhole. Who should be held responsible for this is a big question. Everybody want an answer for this question. But nobody is answering the question!

What is the reason behind this? Who is responsible? Is it leaders? Is it administration? or is it a common person?

In my opinion it is the "common man" who is responsible. Why? Because its common man who becomes our leader and we as a common man elect him. Its a "common man" who is in our administration. He is a person from me and you. Its me and you who respect and welcome
corrupt leaders, and forget our heros , who sacrifice their lives, trying to make a difference to this country, to this system. We violate the rule for a small benefit. We don't see the long term improvement. And this "We" is not just all the uneducated people, but large chunk of this is being made up of an educated persons. Who behave very well, follow are the rules, fill IT return on time when we are aboard. But we forget these things when we go back.

You may not agree with my opinion, but that's what I
Have To Say . Put your opinion over here, may be we together can make a difference, and make our country a better place to live, and leave a better place for our coming generations.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Will it be worth watching Indians playing in Indian Oil cricket tri series in Sri Lanka?

Will it be worth watching Indians playing in Indian Oil cricket tri series in Sri Lanka?

That's a question which can provoke a heated debate and discussion. By looking at the recent performances by the Indian Cricket Team it is hard to believe that these guys would perform better this time. I might be a little pessimist about the Indian Cricket Team, but the credit for that goes to poor performance by the whole team during last few matches with Pakistan and Australia. Even though some of the matches were well played by the Indian Team, lot of improvement is required. It has been a long time since I saw Indian Team holding a good rank in
ICC Cricket Rating . There was a time when at least 3 - 4 players from India used to be in the list of top 10 batsmen, but now the list has been reduced to 2 (Rahul Dravid at 5 and Sachin Tendulakr at 10)

Let us hope that Indian Team does well on Sri Lankan soil and come back home with pride and confidence!

Friday, July 22, 2005

IGNOU - MBA or MCA have never been easy, until now

Education is birth right of every individual
-Indira Gandhi

IGNOU stands for Indira Gandhi National Open University. It was established in the year of 1985, with a motive to provide cost effective education to all. This is not one of the first Open University but this is definitely a good one. Unlike other open universities, it has lot more recognition. But don't compare this with some other big budget universities/institutions like IIM, XLRI, Roorkee etc. This university targets a different segment of people. This is very well suited for the people who are already in job and want to enhance there qualification for a better career. They can work and they can study. It has very simple (yet powerful) rules and regulations for the students.

Here I am listing some of the best features of IGNOU which I liked in as a student of IGNOU.

Wide Range of Course:

IGNOU offers wide variety of course, which could be as high as Ph D in Political Science (and many more Ph D) or a Diploma in Computer Applications. IGNOU has something for all. You name the course and it will be there.


In country like India where still lot many people live below the poverty line, its very difficult for many of them to invest lot of money in education, specially people from rural areas. A farmer cannot afford to get his son/daughter MCA/MBA even from a third grade collage. But this is much more easy through IGNOU. For an example MCA in IGNOU will cost a max of Rs. 32000.00 (approximate), Payable in installment of close to Rs. 5000.00, half yearly. Sometimes sounds to good to be true!

No of Study Centers:

IGNOU has lot of study centers across the country. It even has center overseas, however the no of courses offered are having some restrictions. IGNOU is best suited for the people who could not finish their education due to various issues like early employment, frequent movements of residence or financial problem. It even has the centers designed specially for the defense personals (IGNOU - ARMY Recognized Regional Centers, IGNOU - AIRFORCE Recognized Regional Centers, IGNOU - NAVY Recognized Regional Centers, IGNOU - Assam Rifles Recognized Regional Center). As on date it has 48 Regional Centers.

No Strict Criteria:

Education for all is the motive of IGNOU. And to be true to that, IGNOU has very simple criteria for joining any course. You just need to have prerequisite degree. Like for M.A. you need to have B.A. (which sounds so stupid to say that it's a rule). Literally (for most of the courses) there is no restriction of marks or percentage secured in the previous academic courses.

Online Info:

This is one of the best feature I like in IGNOU. This is age of Information Technology. And IGNOU has made use of this. Most of the info is available on-line. Like Result, Hall Ticket, Course About to Start, and many other useful info. Just go to
, and click on the appropriate link. However this website can be enhanced to offer even more information and to be more user friendly.

Contact Classes:

IGNOU is not a distance education. It offers contact classes for most of the courses. Mostly these classes are on weekends or in the evening. So it is very easy to attend. But the quality of the classes are totally dependent upon the local study center and local administration, IGNOU has a very little role to play in that.

On the Negative Side:

IGNOU has still a long way to go. The system needs a lot of improvement. like study material quality is good for nothing, need to make better, Declaration of result is very late, need to fasten it, Quality of teaching in the contact classes needs a lot of improvement. And in this local study center has to play a vital role. The format of the question papers need to be modified, make it more of objective than essay. currently majority of the questions are essay type. Like any other institution this also need to concentrate on the quality education which is in sync with the current market trend and requirement. And I am sure IGNOU will do its best to improve by every day passes on.

Well, some people also say that IGNOU is creating graduates who are not to the standards and that leads to increase in no of unemployed youths. To them I have only one thing to say Its better to create educated unemployed youths, than leaving them uneducated and unemployed


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Difference between a blast in London and a Blast in Kashmir

Today morning when I opened the News channel, I heard that there were few more bomb blast in London. Casualties were not reported. Probably these were the minor blast. But the panic among the citizens is strong. I was just comparing the blast in London with a blast in Kashmir (or any where in India). There is fundamental difference in both. A blast in Kashmir or (any other part of India) is named as "Fight for Freedom" but a blast in London will be named as "Terrorist Attack". And CNN and BBC will have a program running continuously to give you the update about that. Why not same happens when there is attack in India or any other so called "Developing Countries"? Please give your comments about this difference, however it looks similar to me like "Kallu's son dies with maleria , and no body have to time to talk about that but there will be 200 press reporters outside Michale Jackson's residence just know how many time he sneazed as he is having cold. So in the next news program you will have a headline like this .. "Michale sneazed 5 times continuosly...for more update stay tuned to XXX chanel".

Any news on Kallu's son? Who the hell is Kallu?

But no matter where blast is, people die, which is a greatest insult to almighty. No one have right to destroy his creations like this. May be one day, world will understand the similarties and forget the difference in the blasts, and then they will unite and fight with enemies to Almighty's creations.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Musharraf in Delhi: Can we trust Pakistan?

Since Indian cricket team went to Pakistan, last year for playing in Pakistan, there is a new warmness in the air of Kashmir. The "Feel Good" factor was there. People started forgetting Kargil and 1971. I would like to believe the same, as it shows us a new dimensions and takes us to new roads.

Today Musharraf and his team announced that they have buried the "Ghost" of Agra. Its good we all want the ghost to be buried. Lot of CBM (confidence building measurement) are being introduced by both the countries, like starting a new bus services between Kashmir to Mujaffarabad. Also lot more to come. I think soon they are going to start a train service too. This definitely will get some normalcy in the relationships.

But million dollar question is that can we relay on Pakistan, well only future can tell us, because history is not very encouraging when it comes to believing in Pakistan especially Mr Musharraf. However my heart want to believe but mind says be cautious!

Rich Dad Poor Dad: Will it fit indian economy?

Today I finished Rich Dad Poor dad. Did a lot of thinking and found that book is not for everyone. One need to be have a broad vision. Also this book cant be just applied to every economy. Ideas/Theory explained in books may not suitably fit in economy like India. However it was page turner and also tells us pretty simple things about money. Something like the way we think about assets. How an asset can be prove to be a liability. So got to be very careful while look for an asset. Simple rule in this book is that "Buy an asset where you need to put a minimum money in its maintenance, but it gives a maximum output"

Casting Couching: March 21 2005

Recently some TV Chanel is trying tell us that there is "casting couth" happening in bollywood and trying to show with some real proof. May be the way it was ploted agains "those" people it was not good but, I dont see any better way to show casting couch kind of things. Lets look at the broader image here, Shakti Kapoor is not a target here, its system which is being targeted.

There was a similar event which performed by Tehelka in fake defence deal, and then we saw (we already new politician are corrupt) how our leader are using their post and portfolio to fill their wide open mouth.I saw most of us want to close our eyes and say loudly "This is wrong, It is unethical". Why people do that? Its ethical to do such things but it is unethical to show them in public? Wow, inst a double standard.Have a look on following real life examples:

A devotional singer and singing the following lines:Kabira Khada bazar mne liye lukathi haath.Jo ghar bare aapna chale hamare saath.This is one of the stanza from Kabir's amritwani. As per these line, kabir is standing in market holding a fireflame, and asking those people to come along with him, who can burn there houses.How many of them can burn their houses? And people are enjoying that. Saying "wah", "wah". I beleive proabably if Kabir comes today and ask for the same then we will find that witin a minute there will not be any one to listen him. So the conclusion is people will be happey to listen what Kabir said, but they will never be happy by listening Kabir. Is it a double standard? Or just an escapist nature of human beaing.

Another example:

Recently there was a movie called Page 3, the movie was deling with Bollywood internals. The movie had a new way to expose the "Other" face of bollywood, what happens in the darker side. The movie was well appreciated and well received by most of us. Was it becuae it was not a real story but a "movie"?

Give your comments!