Friday, July 29, 2005

How Safe We Are In Our Own Country?

How safe we are at our own country?

One thing I have realized in USA is that, here there is value to lives. Life is the first preference given here. All the rules and regulations are being made by keeping that in mind. But same thing is not in India. How safe we are at our own land? If you are lucky and not getting killed by the terrorist then you might get killed by the rain , drought, or tsunami. Recently in Hyderabad a lady was killed because of an open manhole. Who should be held responsible for this is a big question. Everybody want an answer for this question. But nobody is answering the question!

What is the reason behind this? Who is responsible? Is it leaders? Is it administration? or is it a common person?

In my opinion it is the "common man" who is responsible. Why? Because its common man who becomes our leader and we as a common man elect him. Its a "common man" who is in our administration. He is a person from me and you. Its me and you who respect and welcome
corrupt leaders, and forget our heros , who sacrifice their lives, trying to make a difference to this country, to this system. We violate the rule for a small benefit. We don't see the long term improvement. And this "We" is not just all the uneducated people, but large chunk of this is being made up of an educated persons. Who behave very well, follow are the rules, fill IT return on time when we are aboard. But we forget these things when we go back.

You may not agree with my opinion, but that's what I
Have To Say . Put your opinion over here, may be we together can make a difference, and make our country a better place to live, and leave a better place for our coming generations.


At 6:12 AM, Blogger Rahul said...

Thanks for this info. Keep up the neat work. I'll be returning often thanks for sharing...
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