Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Reservation in Education: Bad for the Nation

Since I heard the news of 27 % of proposed reservation in higher studies I am really worrying the future of our people. Lets forget for a moment what this reservation is going to do but what the reservation word gives message to the people. It makes one group senior than other. You are eligible for a job/task/admission just because you were born in a different caste? Is this is the definition of secularism? Where one caste is given more preference over other. Where are we leading this. This is going to create threat to our unity. This will lead our yougesters those who are talented and still not getting seat just because of their caste being different, to go out of the country for the education.

If this proposal gets in to action then there will be almost 50% reservation in education system. That means that weather a person is eligible or not he will be entitled for the admission in IIT (or any other institute) just because he was born in lower caste! This fills anger in me towards the OBC people. My eligibility for the admission in a institute should be totally based on my past performance, my degree, my percentage in entrance test, else we will finally end-up producing graduates who are not up to the mark but they are there just because they are OBC. Is this is the way planed to bridge the gap between the casetes. This will widen the gap. "We are one" by saying we are not going to achieve the unity, rather that should reflect in our actions and policies.

Why everything in my country is motivated by caste. Why there is no reservation for people in poverty. Why don't we give them a free education. The answer is politics. In India everything is driven by the caste. It brings people of the same caste together but divides them with other castes. And the same is promoted by the political parties. They don't give dam to the future of the countries or the minorities but there vote bank. To increase there vote bank they will do anything. Let it be Congress, BJP or any other party.

Government need to concentrate more on the foundation of the education. The quality in elimentry / primary schools should be improved. If possible the elimentry education should be made free for everyone or atleast subsidized to everyone. Thats the basic of the education that will help our kids to be a better student and they dont need any reservation.

When I think of the recent proposal of the reservation in the education system it gives me a sick feeling that I am a foreigner in my own country. I get a second treatment in compared to my fellow citizen who happen to be son of SC/ST or OBC.

Find the similar views
Here, here, here and here.


At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am totally against the Reservation in the Education System
in the Premier Institutes like IIT's and IIM which has global Image.

Politicians care about the Vote Bank.

The people who use these reservations are people who are financially well off and their parents are professionals like doctors,engineers etc. but not the real people who deserve.
Generations by generations will use these reservations.

1. Support the People by giving free education to the financially weaker sections not on caste based.

2. Every person social's responsiblity not to misuse the free education.

3. Think once If a guy studied with reservation does he can compete with this global competition.

Therefore he should fight with vigor right from getting a seat in a college.

4. If a person working for an organization for the last 25 years .. on one fine day your boss come and say you are fired as performance is bad. what the heck the boss is doing all this 25 years if the boss had corrected intially the person is better off and grown in the organization. otherwise he would changed his career path and glorified wherever he fits in the system.

The same holds for reservations.
Challenge and competition should start from the day one.

On the Whole My presonal feeling is
There should be no caste based Reservations and support financially and ask the people to compete.

Thanks & Regards

At 9:54 PM, Anonymous arif khan said...

There are lot of articles on the web about this. But I like yours more, although i found one that’s more descriptive.

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Bhanu Mishra said...

Exactly sir,
everyone needs to worry about this because it's the foundation of India's youth future if the foundation itself will not be good then how youths future will become good.


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